I love me 💕

Hey, hi. It's been some time. I just wanted to check in here and say I'm alive and well. I love you.

Life has been a shit show, but I'm doing well and deciding to love myself every single day, no matter what. It's actually helping. I might start writing in here again, instead of in my private diary, but we will see.

I'm still with Joey... though I sort of broke things off with him in may... but we are still loving each other and could possibly get back together. It's hard to say. I know he loves me completely and I love him. But, I'm really trying to break away from the codependecy and unhealthiness of that. I want to have strength and confidence in myself, apart from the relationship.

No matter what happens, I'm going to be okay. I love myself and I'm capable of taking care of myself and being happy. I am strong, I am worthy, I am safe. I love myself. ❤🦋

9:29 a.m. - Thursday, Jun. 24, 2021